ENMU hosting student job fair
Eastern New Mexico University in Portales is hosting a student job fair for part time jobs in the Portales and Clovis communities.
The job fair will be held on Thursday, September 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Campus Union Building – Sandia room.
The student job fair is an excellent opportunity to find qualified, enthusiastic part time employees. This is a great way to reach lots of potential employees in just a couple of hours. We encourage you to participate if you need to fill part time positions or internship opportunities (either paid or unpaid).
There is NO COST for businesses to participate, just send an email to Nikie.Bonner@enmu.edu to reserve your table or call us at 575.562.2211.
We also have an online job board that students visit frequently. Please feel free to email your job description to career.services@enmu.edu, we’ll post the announcement and refer students directly to you.
Questions? Feel free to call or email the Office of Counseling and Career Services at 575.562.2211 or career.services@enmu.edu